“As I had never gone to a funeral, when they laid the earth I thought it was like a plant and I told my mother that we would have to come every day to water. My mother replied: No son, your father was a cactus.”
Last creation of the company on the issue of loss. Circus poetry and live music. Do not miss it!
Project created by an international team, Yutaka Takei of Japan, Violeta Jarero de México and Javier Aparicio de Marte.
Like other arts, I have always thought that the circus can touch all universal themes such as love, loneliness or death. In this creation, the idea of loss is taken as a starting point.
“Two weeks before the winter break my father was thrown out of work, and on Christmas day at the time of giving the gifts, he died »
A show that based on the theme of loss, speaks of love